Sunday, September 13, 2015

This is fun?

and on a more sombre (somber) note, he noted... for a lark, we visited the "Spirit Halloween" store today. I'm not going to explain what "Spirit Halloween" is, because I don't feel like it, and besides, chances are that no one is even reading this. if some poor soul is reading this shit, and doesn't know what "Spirit Halloween" is, well then, look it up!

the store sells costumes and props for the big night that occurs every 10-31-name the year. no big deal. there are other stores that deal in the same drek. the thing that struck me about our visit, was that halloween seems to be synonymous with death, gore, and all things disgusting and bloody. at this point I must send out a caveat: I am a big horror film fan, and certainly not a prude. while not a fan of the "torture porn" genre ie the "Saw" movie franchise, I do respect a bit of blood and guts in a film (the cheesier the special effect the better), and have seen my share of intestines being munched on (on film) and decapitations, etc, etc.

dear reader, what struck me about the products for sale in this particular store, was that most of the props involved dismembered limbs, heinous weapons, mutant zombie babies, and the like. all of which got me to thinking: is this the new fun? a severed head with fake maggots writhing on its face?

in the end, however, I also think: is any of this really shocking? or scary, for that matter? to my old-fashioned mind, one could obtain a more effective scare by not having everything on display, and leaving something to (if that exists) the imagination. sometimes, a dark room can be a scary place, under the right circumstances, all without the help of some piece 'o crap zombie baby prop.

that being said; the next time you are alone, and in the dark, and hear a scream...